

admin 2024-11-29 新闻中心 5672 次浏览 0个评论
摘要:,,大暑节气是夏季的最后一个节气,标志着炎热天气的顶峰。在英语中,它可以被描述为 the hottest period of summer,代表着一年中最热的时期。气温高且潮湿,人们需注意防暑降温,保持身体健康。大暑期间,许多地方会举行庆祝活动,如吃消暑食品,提醒人们注意防暑和保持身体的水分平衡。

Title: Introduction to the Great Heat Festival in Chinese Culture

In the Chinese calendar, the summer season is marked by several traditional solar terms, among which the "Great Heat Festival" or "Da Shu" is one of the most significant. This solar term is not only a part of the traditional Chinese culture but also an indicator of the intense summer heat that reaches its peak during this period. Here is an introduction to the Great Heat Festival in English.

What is Da Shu?

Da Shu, which means "great heat" in Chinese, is one of the 24 solar terms in the traditional Chinese calendar. It falls between the summer solstice and the start of autumn and marks the height of summer heat. This solar term signifies the onset of intense summer heat and its impact on people's daily lives and agricultural practices.

The Significance of Da Shu


In Chinese culture, Da Shu holds significant importance as it marks the beginning of the summer's most intense heat period. It is a time for people to be extra cautious about their health and well-being due to the high temperatures and increased risk of heat-related ailments. Additionally, it is also a time for farmers to monitor their crops closely and ensure their survival amidst intense heat and moisture loss.

The Climate and Activities During Da Shu

During Da Shu, temperatures soar to their peak, and the sun's heat is felt more strongly than ever. The intense heat often leads to increased humidity, making it challenging for people to stay hydrated and healthy. To cope with the heat, people adopt various strategies such as drinking plenty of water, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight, and seeking shade.

In rural areas, farmers engage in various agricultural activities to protect their crops from the intense heat. They use irrigation techniques to ensure adequate moisture for their plants and apply various methods to reduce soil erosion and maintain soil fertility.


Cultural Customs and Rituals

Da Shu is also associated with various cultural customs and rituals in Chinese culture. One common practice is to consume food items that are believed to have cooling effects on the body, such as melons and other fruits. Some people also engage in specific rituals to pray for good health and safety from heat-related ailments during this period.

Moreover, Da Shu is also a time for people to appreciate nature's bounty and pay homage to the sun's power during its peak summer strength. Various festivals and celebrations are held in honor of this solar term, which are marked by community gatherings, feasting, and other traditional activities.



Da Shu, as a solar term in Chinese culture, represents an important aspect of traditional knowledge about nature and its cycles. It not only marks the height of summer heat but also serves as a reminder for people to stay vigilant about their health and well-being during this period. The cultural customs and rituals associated with this solar term further enrich its significance and provide a sense of community and unity among people. As we enter the Great Heat Festival, let us appreciate nature's bounty, stay hydrated, and take care of our health during this intense summer heat.





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